Thursday, December 31, 2009

design of my decade (part 1)

There's a little over an hour left till the hot mess called 2009 is over. Just a decade ago I was in my mother's living room eating munchies because my mother wanted her children together just in case the world went to hell for Y2K. Supposedly the world's gonna end in 2012. Party on!

Since there's all this talk about the decade past it got me thinking about what the last decade was like for me. I liked it about as much as I like watching Ryan Seacreast instead of Dick Clark. I graduated with a degree I didn't use only to switch into a career that barely paid the bills and literally drove me nuts; living in a town that reports shootings & stabbings like baseball scores...

Okay, so this decade hasn't been all crappy. I saw some great concerts and I got to see Stonehenge. I shopped like a fool in London's Oxford Street and laid waste to Target. Most of all, I changed my life.

Me. I did that à la Jon Moxon: "I don't want... [that] life." I chose life - literally. I knew that I was spinning my wheels in Toronto. I had to do something for me. So I moved to the islands and I haven't turned back. I'll never go back there to live... unless Quebec decides to do the bravestar separation thing... Ethan & I will move to Ottawa to be close to his mother.

Ethan. How do I love he... let me count the ways. He'll get a post all to himself.

Speaking of which, I'd better go get the champagne. Check you all next year! (heh heh)