Since there's all this talk about the decade past it got me thinking about what the last decade was like for me. I liked it about as much as I like watching Ryan Seacreast instead of Dick Clark. I graduated with a degree I didn't use only to switch into a career that barely paid the bills and literally drove me nuts; living in a town that reports shootings & stabbings like baseball scores...
Okay, so this decade hasn't been all crappy. I saw some great concerts and I got to see Stonehenge. I shopped like a fool in London's Oxford Street and laid waste to Target. Most of all, I changed my life.
Me. I did that à la Jon Moxon: "I don't want... [that] life." I chose life - literally. I knew that I was spinning my wheels in Toronto. I had to do something for me. So I moved to the islands and I haven't turned back. I'll never go back there to live... unless Quebec decides to do the bravestar separation thing... Ethan & I will move to Ottawa to be close to his mother.
Ethan. How do I love he... let me count the ways. He'll get a post all to himself.
Speaking of which, I'd better go get the champagne. Check you all next year! (heh heh)