In other news, my job search has taken an interesting turn. A few weeks ago I had to write 4 (count'em - four!?) aptitude tests for a job that paid less than 30K. I've tried talking to my friends about this and the general consensus is that I 'should' (therapist told me that the word 'should' is a bad one) get a meantime job until I find a better one. Grrr. That 30K rubbish was a meantime job for Chrissakes! I still haven't heard from them and that was almost a month ago. Just this past Monday I went for an interview for another meantime job... 20 minutes in they tell me that I would be doing a disservice to myself in an admin assistant role. They also told me to pursue HR roles in multinationals and not to settle for anything less.
Why is this such a difficult thing for everyone to understand? I will not settle. End of. Sure, it's not cool being on the dole however I'd rather do that then hop from job to job to job. I did enough of that in Toronto. Sometimes I even wonder how I can get away with having 8 jobs in 7 years. I'd much rather take time and find a good fit for me where I can stay there and experience this crazy thing called stability. I took a meantime job once and I felt like utter crap - I had a job to pay the bills and nothing else. I couldn't really do anything fun like go on holiday because all my money went to pay bills. I know that is not how I envisioned my life when I finished school; I wanted a great career and an even better quality of life. I still want that almost a decade later. On pain of death I will not yield!