In my endless search for jobs online, I came across a very intriguing bit o' news regarding Gamerz. There will be blood - as in redundancies around the world. Imagine that! Christiane says I must have a guardian angel looking out for me. She's absolutely right. This isn't the first time that I didn't get a job with a company that was either about to go under or on the brink of redundancies. Thank you, angel of mine. Could you please ask your homies to hook me up with a job? The waiting is doing my head in!
Every day I wake up and ask myself if today is going to be that breakthrough day. Today was just like that except nothing happened. I send off applications - then I wait. I wait for someone on the other end of the database to see my CV. I wait for them to say, this person looks viable. I wait for the phone to ring to schedule an interview to discuss how my experience & education would be a valued asset to their organization. I wait for feedback. I wait for my new headhunter to hear feedback. Then I wait some more.
My dreams echo my sentiments these days. I dream of having magical powers, oceans and the desert. Looks like my subconscious is right in line with my conscious.
Here's something to think about - what happens after I get a job?