I spent some time earlier today on LinkedIn - a rather poncy version of Facebook. LinkedIn is supposed to be for professionals to connect with other professionals wanting a piece of the 1%'s pie. I'm not sure why I'm on it, to be honest. I'm so not the corporate type. In fact, I don't know why I'm on it. I've made great connections without it... maybe it serves its purpose for others - just not me.
Just saw an ad for Netflix. Why pay $8 per month when you can get whatever you want for free on the Internet? Just sayin'.
I've also been cruisin' the blog scene. I consider myself a blogger - perhaps more of the non-profit variety. Didn't know that bloggers charge $$$ to promote stuff on their blogs...? I need to get on that gravy train! Then again, my blog isn't exactly mainstream. I have no idea if anyone is even reading this blog. I've got less than 10 followers on Twitter. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I even want to go mainstream.
Speaking of Twitter, I got a retweet from Michael Phelps last week. Yup - the Olympic gold medallist himself! For those who haven't heard, Michael Phelps is the new face of Head & Shoulders. As you all know, I'm an eco-warrior. I don't believe in crap products peddled by multinationals. So as you can imagine, I was surprised to see Mikey was even paying attention! Please don't sue me. As the leader of the #BrokeFolks revolution, I got nothin'.