I was just reading through my blog archives and I kept seeing this recurring theme - my book. I've been talking about writing a book since 2008. Next year is my blog's 5 year anniversary. Dammit, I'm going to write this book!
There's a million questions that are going through my mind - do I self-publish? I most likely will since the major publishers seem a bit odd to me. If I do self-publish, do I go the e-book route? I am a huge fan of actual books instead of annoying files you have to download into a teeny-tiny screen that may or may not be compatible with your device (bollocks).
I guess I just need some courage. Just thinking about writing this book is actually quite daunting. I'm scared it won't have the impact I always imagine it will. Or maybe no one will read it as I'm still not sure if anyone is even reading my blog.
Either way, I just gotta do it.